Corporate policy

Quality Policy

We want our customers to be satisfied. Internal customers are as important as external customers.

The quality of our services and products is based on high customer requirements. Fulfillment of these requirements is essential for the success of the company and thus for the protection of jobs.
Within the company, each of us is a supplier of services and products and therefore has internal customers to whom flawless performance must be provided in due time.

We comply with all requirements relating to product safety in accordance with the state of the art. state of the art.

The objective is the highest possible product safety of all our design and production activities for the user. The identification, evaluation and reduction of potential product risks through the application of appropriate techniques ensures that all aspects of product safety are adequately considered.
Senior management supports the preventive approach to product safety and considers it a managerial function.

We are committed to quality. Management must take the lead in our quality efforts.

The impeccable quality of our performance is the prerequisite for satisfying internal and external customer requirements.
Maintaining our high quality standard and continuous improvement are our ongoing tasks. Our managers are committed to the business rules and the quality policy of TECCO AUTOMOTIVE S.A.
and set a clear example of the same. They motivate employees to act with quality in mind, define objectives and promote teamwork and a way of thinking integrating all departments.

We consistently eliminate defects. Our goal is zero defects.

Defect prevention has priority over defect detection. If defects occur despite preventive action, they must be permanently eliminated by methodical and systematic measures.
Defects are deviations from standards. They increase our costs and reduce our competitiveness.
We are therefore anxious to get everything right from the start and lay the foundations accordingly.

We make continuous improvements and consider our defaults.

We want to take the lead in global competition. We achieve this by continuously and measurably improving the effectiveness of our management systems, our performance, our business processes and our products.
Our standards and procedures include customer requirements and our know-how. They must be persistent in all activities.
We impart the necessary knowledge.

It is the responsibility of each superior to provide job-oriented training for employees.
The knowledge acquired must be maintained and improved through continuous training.

TECCO energy and environmental policy

We comply with all regulations related to the environment and energy use.

The basis of our environmental and energy management system is the consequence of and compliance with all relevant legal instructions.

We manufacture our products with minimum pollution and maximum energy efficiency.

We develop, produce and sell automotive interior systems in such a way as to ensure a safe and environmentally friendly production process as well as safe use and careful disposal of waste. We strive for a minimum use of energy and resources in every production process.
Our aim is to avoid emissions and waste in all production processes. Unavoidable production waste is recycled as far as possible or disposed of appropriately.
We develop and manufacture our products with the aim of recycling complete materials at the end of their life cycle.

We are talking about procurement and logistics that are in line with environmental protection.

In terms of integrated environmental protection, we purchase our raw, auxiliary and operating materials in accordance with ecological criteria, including energy efficiency, as far as possible.
By continuously improving our purchasing and delivery logistics and optimizing the flow of materials and energy within the company, we continuously reduce the resulting environmental impacts. That is why we preferably choose regional suppliers to reduce fuel consumption and use returnable packaging wherever possible to avoid waste generation.
With appropriate measures, we try to convince our business partners to harmonize their environmental activities with ours and aim for environmental certification.

We train and encourage our employees and conduct open environmental communication.

To achieve our objectives, we encourage, train and motivate our employees through appropriate education and training so that they can carry out their tasks in line with our environmental objectives and policies.
We regularly inform our employees, customers and the general public about the status of our environmental and energy management system. The aim is open and honest communication as well as a cooperative dealing with administrative bodies and the public.

We continuously improve our environmental and energy management activities.

The objectives and success of our environmental activities, including compliance with all environmental and energy use regulations, are regularly reviewed and evaluated both internally and externally. By setting and implementing new, higher targets, we achieve continuous improvement of our environmental and energy management system.
environmental and energy management system. We set annual environmental and energy targets aimed at reducing our carbon footprint, resource consumption and waste generation. In this way, we have significantly reduced our carbon footprint in recent years:

2019; 561.82 T CO2 eq. 2020; 394.5 T CO2 eq. 2021; 140.11 T CO2 eq. 2022; 21.68 T CO2 eq.

In addition to consuming all the energy from renewable sources, in 2023 we have installed a total of 506 photovoltaic panels. With this action we will be able to be self-sufficient in 220KWh of solar energy, which means an annual saving of approximately 20% of the energy we buy.
Also, in order to be as environmentally sustainable as possible, but with sufficient thermal comfort, we have defined mandatory values for the thermostats of the air conditioning units.
We encourage the responsible use of water and electricity, through signs placed on all faucets, flushes, switches, etc. .... in addition to ensuring water quality through annual analysis.
Naturally, we ensure that the necessary resources are allocated for the continuous improvement of our management system.

Responsible management of waste and chemicals.

We responsibly manage the waste we generate, as well as our chemical products.

TECCO Occupational Health and Safety Policy

We comply with all relevant health and safety legal requirements.

TECCO AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. is committed to comply with all relevant national occupational health and safety laws and regulations at each of its locations. Cooperation with public authorities, institutions and other qualified partners is expected to be based on trust,
institutions and other qualified partners is expected to be based on trust and mutual respect.

We recognize and minimize hazards and related risks.

We provide safe working conditions and healthy habits to prevent injuries and health deterioration, and we invest in eliminating hazards and reducing risks in every workplace.
The health and safety of our employees in everything we do is our top priority. For that reason, we actively involve our health and safety experts during the early stages of process setup to implement appropriate operating procedures. In addition, we conduct ergonomic analyses of
In addition, we perform ergonomic analyses of workstations and risk analysis and hazard identification in each of the work areas and possible contamination at all of our workstations on a regular basis. In this way, we can define the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) and rotations within the workstation, before starting to work in series.
The prevention and avoidance of accidents, occupational diseases and other work-related health effects receive the highest priority within TECCO AUTOMOTIVE S.A. In addition to all of the above, we ensure that all machines we use in our processes comply with CE standards to guarantee the safety of our employees.

We are aware of our responsibility towards health and safety.

Ensuring health and safety is an important part of the responsibility of everyone in the organization, i.e. executive board members, general managers, managers and all employees.
All the aforementioned personnel assume responsibility for implementing the necessary measures to ensure health and safety. Each employee has the duty to point out risks and hazards as they are detected; employees are also empowered to eliminate such hazards. Likewise, all employees have
the obligation to use the personal protective equipment (PPE) supplied by TECCO AUTOMOTIVE S.A. depending on their job position.
depending on the work position they perform and which is duly indicated in each line of work.
In addition, in the positions where chemical substances are handled, they are duly adapted and there are instructions for storage, handling and safety sheets to act if necessary.

Emergency and accident management.

At TECCO AUTOMOTIVE S.A. we guarantee preventive fire protection and emergency management.
That is why all fire fighting and fire detection equipment is regularly checked by an approved external company.
In addition, we have trained firefighting, evacuation and first aid teams for each of the shifts, and we carry out periodic drills so that we are prepared to act quickly in the event of any type of emergency.
On the other hand, there are also trained managers for each of the shifts, to manage everything necessary in case of any incident or accident.

We challenge and support the active participation of all our employees.

We encourage consultation and participation of our personnel and their representatives, including coordination with external collaborators, customers and suppliers.
We support and motivate our employees by providing them with regular and specific education, training and development to enable them to perform their duties responsibly and in line with our health and safety policies.
We inform our employees about the status and development of our activities and results with respect to the company's health and safety performance, and require their active participation in the implementation of appropriate measures.

We continuously improve our health and safety management system.

Our aim is to continuously improve our health and safety system with the ultimate goal of maintaining and, if possible, strengthening the health, job satisfaction and efficiency of our employees. The effectiveness of decisions made and measures implemented are regularly reviewed. Internal and external audits are used to ensure
internal and external audits are used to ensure compliance with legal requirements and internal goals and objectives. Business management must plan the release of appropriate resources and funds to achieve the objectives related to health and safety at our facilities.

Approved in Olèrdola, on February 12, 2024.
Chief Executive Officer of TECCO AUTOMOTIVE, S.A.
Francisco Abad Sacristán

Vers. 005